Here are the tricks I've learned in these years of technological acquaintances. If a thing is possible, you can be sure that the Net is already someone who has discovered how to do it. That said if you need specific help write me, if I can help I'll pull back.

  • Overclock

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Here we talk about computer ......
in all its contexts, hardware, software and firmware


Welcome to my website dedicated to everything that is technology.  

I am a big fan of hi-tech, ever since my father came home one a Commodore Vic-20. Since then I have never stopped: the Commodore 64, Amiga 500, the first PC with the wonderful world of Linux.

I opened this space to exchange information of a computer, and share all the free applications that help us to make best use of our computers.

una foto

Ultime novità

In questa sezione cercherò di tenervi aggiornati sulle ultime novità in fatto di tecnologia, programmi e gadget, senza dimenticare il favoloso mondo delle console e dei cellulari. Restate sintonizzati, le sorprese non mancheranno.